My siblings and I were disappointing to our parents in one way (and one way only) NONE of us had red hair. MS (my sister) did have a childhood friend with beautiful auburn hair and I have very strong memories of MM saying how lovely it was (which it was and continues to be!). So it is no surprise to me that as an adult I happen to have a friend who has lovely red locks. Who knows, perhaps subconsciously I was drawn to getting to know her because of her ruby curls? One thing is for certain - her hair is not the only reason I am proud to call Brooke Tyson my dear friend.
Brooke Tyson also happens to be an incredibly talented clothing designer . Her home base of creativity is her studio in Puhoi, NZ. Here she has designed bespoke collections of clothing that always layer comfort, colour, contrasting textures and the most clever and subtle femininity. Now…I am NOT a fashion writer so please excuse my lack of terminology and take a look at some of her work for yourselves, it speaks far more clearly of her intentions than I do. I just happen to want to own each item for myself!

For those of you lucky enough to be in Auckland City on Wednesday 26th May 2010 then please come and see some of Brooke Tyson’s clothing in person.
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Time: 7:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Tabac bar, 6 Mills lane, Auckland Central
Street: MAP:
I’m hoping to add this one to my wardrobe!

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