"handcrafted treats that remind you of home"

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nine Lives

The days are getting shorter here in NZ and TH (The Husband/The Hare @ http://thehareandthehen.blogspot.com) and I are finding our cosy spots around the house in preparation for the colder months ahead. Recently we have been experimenting with the best heating options and taking turns making cups of tea. This past summer season NZ has been unbelievably lucky with the weather, basically four straight months of sunshine and it seems like it keeps trying to stick around to extend our blue sky days. This past weekend though winter showed up and we finally saw some serious rain. I kinda like it. Apart from the fact that the garden is probably loving having a good bath - there is nothing quite like being inside wrapped up nice and warm when it is pouring outside.

TH works long weekend hours and on Sunday afternoons my fail safe ‘stay warm’ trio have become: The woolly blanket, my Grosvenor teapot and Taxi the Cat. My mum found me this awesome woollen blanket on Trade Me (NZ equivalent of eBay) which is fast becoming one of my favourite things to have around. There is a high demand for the woolly NZ Made blanket around here and they can fetch some steep prices but Mum spotted a deal and snapped it up and I am benefiting for sure. (For my friends in the US, they are similar to these ones I found at Country Living)

I don’t know if any of you are as familiar with the 1 Cup Grosvenor teapot as I am. It is seriously fantastic. The handle is designed for the perfect pour (no dribbles or spills!!) and when you grasp it the back of your fingers don’t come anywhere near being burnt on the pot. The body of the pot is light for lifting but sturdy enough that it won’t easily be knocked over and the stainless steel keeps your tea nice and hot. I love it, probably more than a girl should love a teapot…but some could say that I live on Green Tea and therefore the Grosvenor and I are becoming seriously good friends.

The third element of my trio is Taxi the Cat. My parents recently moved house and they couldn’t take Taxi with them to the new place so TH and I inherited her. We have adapted nicely and Taxi I think has relaxed into being at our place.

Taxi and I have our routine. She does what ever she wants and I happily get to share in her world. If all of her lives are as indulged as this one then she will be one content animal. I am very glad to have her company though on these new rainy days as she is like the perfect furry hot water bottle and keeps me nice and toasty.

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